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The Calathea Makoyana, also known as the Peacock plant, is a beautiful tropical houseplant, famed for its beautiful, contrasting green and purplish-red beneath the leaves that will surely brighten up any indoor living space. Being native to the tropical forests of Brazil and resting under the shade of tall canopies, the Makoyana is perfectly suited to humid, warm temperatures and indirect light. A must-have to any plant lovers collection!

Calathea Makoyana

    • Scientific Name:  Calathea makoyana
    • Common Name: Peacock Plant or Cathedral Windows
    • Origin: Eastern Brazil
    • Light Requirements: Bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight.
    • Watering: Maintain moist soil. Water once the surface of the soil starts to dry. 
    • Soil: Well-draining general-purpose houseplant potting mix. 
    • Temperature:  60-75°F (16-24°C) for best growth.
    • Fertilizer: Apply every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Use our fertilizer for optimal growth
    • Humidity: >60% humidity. High humidity is really important to keep your peacock plant healthy. Using a digital hygrometer to monitor humidity is a great idea.
    • Pruning: Remove old leaves and pinch back to maintain compact growth
    • Toxicity: Non-toxic. Safe for humans and pets.